Tips for Learning From Lectures

Lectures can be an effective way to learn large amounts of information, but they require active listening and note-taking skills.

  1. Focus. Turn off notifications, avoid distractions, and maintain eye contact with the lecturer.
  2. Take notes. Write down key points, examples, definitions, and diagrams. Use abbreviations and symbols.
  3. Ask questions. Clarify confusing points during the lecture or after by speaking to the lecturer.
  4. Review notes. Go over your notes after the lecture to fill in gaps and commit information to memory.
  5. Connect to prior knowledge. Make connections between new concepts and what you already know.
Note-taking Techniques
Cornell notes
Leave a summary section and cue column for key words.
Outline notes
Organize by headings, subheadings, and bullet points.
Concept maps
Visual representation of relationships between ideas.

Lectures are input - the real learning happens after through reviewing and processing the information. Use lectures as a springboard for further reading, research, and discussion.

With practice and the right strategies, lectures can become an EaM part of your learning process.